The American Publishers

Your Gateway to Becoming a Published Author

Becoming a published author is a dream cherished by many, and at The American Publishing, we're here to turn that dream into a reality. Our book publishing services are designed to guide you through every step of the publishing process, ensuring that your manuscript is transformed into a beautifully crafted book that captivates readers.

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Maximizing Your Reach: Our Publishing Services Across Top Platforms

Your Book, Their Shelves: Making Your Work Accessible Worldwide

Amazon Publishing

In the world of publishing, there's no platform quite like Amazon. With us, your book gains access to Amazon's vast and diverse audience, placing it on the virtual shelves of the world's largest online retailer.

Barnes & Noble Distribution

Your book deserves a place in the hearts of readers everywhere, and that's where Barnes & Noble comes in. We expand your readership by making your book readily available in Barnes & Noble stores and their online marketplace.

Apple Books Integration

Apple's ecosystem is a gateway to a global audience, and we seamlessly integrate your book into Apple Books, allowing you to reach readers around the world. With an easy-to-use platform and interactive features, your book becomes part of the Apple experience.

Google Play Books Access

Android users represent a vast and diverse readership, and we help you tap into this market through distribution on Google Play Books. With Google's unparalleled search capabilities, your book is more likely to attract readers interested in your specific genre, expanding your reach and potential fanbase. 

Expand Your Readership Today - Let's Get Your Book on Some of The Top Platforms!

Your book deserves a global audience, and our publishing services are your passport to success. With distribution on platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Google Play Books, your work will find its way into the hands of readers worldwide. Don't wait to share your story or message—click below to explore our publishing services and take the first step toward reaching a broader audience today!

  • 1540+

    Article Published

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    Happy Client

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    Writer Expertise

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    Award Won

Unlock the World of Publishing with Our Comprehensive Services

At The American Publishing, we are your trusted partners in the journey from manuscript to bookshelf. Our publishing services encompass every facet of bringing your work to the world—editing, design, distribution, and marketing.

Whether you're a seasoned author or a debut writer, our expertise and resources are at your disposal to ensure your book reaches the widest audience possible. Your literary aspirations deserve a platform, and we're here to provide it. Explore our comprehensive publishing services and embark on a literary adventure that leads to global recognition.

Past Literary Triumphs: A Glimpse Into Our Accomplishments

Our portfolio is a testament to the artistry, dedication, and creative collaboration that define our journey. In this section, we proudly showcase a selection of the exceptional projects we've had the privilege of working on.  

Why Choose Us?

Comprehensive Support

From editing and design to distribution and marketing, we provide a full spectrum of services to meet your unique needs.

Tailored Publishing

We understand that every book is unique, and we tailor our approach to ensure your vision is brought to life.

Global Reach

We leverage our extensive distribution network to make your book available to readers worldwide, both in print and digital formats.


Our author-centric approach means that you have control over your work, with transparent communication and collaboration at every stage. 

From Manuscript to Masterpiece: Navigating the Book Publishing Voyage

With our book publishing services, you'll have the support and expertise needed to make your mark in the literary world. Whether you're a debut author or an experienced writer, your literary journey starts here.

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    We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your goals, vision, and target audience, allowing us to customize our approach to your specific needs.

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    Editing and Design

    Our expert editors refine your manuscript, while our designers create an eye-catching cover and interior layout that matches your vision.

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    With meticulous attention to detail, we transform your manuscript and design into a professionally published book, available in both print and digital formats.

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    We leverage our distribution channels to ensure your book reaches major retailers, online platforms, and bookstores, maximizing its availability to readers.

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    Marketing and Promotion

    Our marketing experts craft a tailored strategy to connect with your target audience, build your author brand, and create buzz around your book.

Words of Praise from Our Valued Clients

Discover What Our Clients Have to Say About Their Publishing Experience with Us

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The American Publishing

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