The American Publishers

Let’s Get Your Book Successfully Published Today!

We Are Here To Bring Your Literary Dreams To Fruition, One Page At A Time. Become A Published Author Today at 80% Off!

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Empowering Authors through Exceptional Ghostwriting Services

At The American Publishing, our mission is simple yet profound: to empower authors to realize their dreams of becoming published writers. With a passion for storytelling and a commitment to excellence, we offer a comprehensive suite of publishing services designed to bring your literary vision to life.

Join us in celebrating the art of writing and embark on a transformative journey where your words have the power to inspire, entertain, and leave a lasting impact.


seller Authors

Discover Kindle Vella: Serialized Storytelling!

Introducing Kindle Vella, Amazon's innovative way to enjoy serialized storytelling. Dive into captivating stories, one episode at a time, and engage with your favorite audience like never before. If you are an author looking to connect with your audience, Kindle Vella offers a unique and exciting platform for all. Let us help you explore the future of storytelling! 

  • 1540+

    Article Published

  • 215+

    Happy Client

  • 74

    Writer Expertise

  • 112

    Award Won

Past Literary Triumphs: A Glimpse Into Our Accomplishments

Our portfolio is a testament to the artistry, dedication, and creative collaboration that define our journey. In this section, we proudly showcase a selection of the exceptional projects we've had the privilege of working on.  

Why Choose Us?

Comprehensive Support

From editing and design to distribution and marketing, we provide a full spectrum of services to meet your unique needs.

Tailored Publishing

We understand that every book is unique, and we tailor our approach to ensure your vision is brought to life.

Global Reach

We leverage our extensive distribution network to make your book available to readers worldwide, both in print and digital formats.


Our author-centric approach means that you have control over your work, with transparent communication and collaboration at every stage. 

Crafting Brilliance: Our Five-Step Ghostwriting Method

Experience the efficiency and quality of our ghostwriting process as we transform your ideas into engaging and impactful content.

  • 01

    Initial Consultation

    We begin with a comprehensive discussion to understand your vision, goals, and project requirements. Your ideas are the foundation of our collaboration.

  • 02

    Research and Outline

    Our team conducts in-depth research to gather essential information and create a detailed outline that will guide the writing process.

  • 03

    Writing and Drafting

    Our skilled writers will craft your story or content, ensuring it aligns with your vision and resonates with your target audience.

  • 04

    Review and Feedback

    You'll have the opportunity to review the drafts and provide feedback. We'll make revisions as necessary to meet your expectations.

  • 05

    Final Delivery

    Once you're satisfied with the content, we'll deliver the final product to you, ready for your use or publication.

Words of Praise from Our Valued Clients

Discover What Our Clients Have to Say About Their Publishing Experience with Us

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The American Publishing

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